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PnS Research Project

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PnS Ambato

year: 2015 location:ambato, ecuador type: workshop size: 200 m2 university: universidad técnica de ambato team: antonio cobo, josé antonio flores (FDAA-UTA coordinator) and the students of the school of design, arts and architecture

Installation designed with occasion of the Third International Encounter of Design: Trends in Technology. FDAA-UTA.

The workshop Pneumatic Serendipity Ambato is -above all- a collaborative project where has been so important the participation and negotiation among students as the built model. The experience started with the analysis and reconsideration of an immaterial boundary condition: the cultural landscape of Ambato. The significance through color, variation and collage -very present in the configuration of the city- have been essential elements to establish the conceptual framework for the process.

The protagonists of this project were 70 workshop participants:

Luis Alberto Acurio Sánchez , Nicole Aguas, Celia Georgina Barrera Sánchez, Sarahí Caicedo Salazar, Edgar Manuel Cajas Garcés, Ricardo Castro, María José Cedeño, Pole Chang, Marcel Adrián Chicaiza Chicaiza , José Andrés Chiliquinga Taipe, Rebeca Elizabeth, Chizaguano Jácome, José Andrés Coka Flores, Esther Abigail Colcha Martínez, Claudia Custode, Ximena Lucía de la Cruz Villacís, Adriana Echeverría, Ronald Escobar, Josselyn Félix, Gabriela Freire, Miguel Israel García Gualpa, Fabián Gavilánez, Susana Belén Hernández Núñez, César Andrés Jaramillo, Paul Jerez Guzmán, Steven Jiménez, Karen Adela Lara Palacios, Ariana Lima, Daniel Josué López Carrillo, Karla Lozada, Juan Pablo Martínez, Carito Monse Martínez, Byron Andrés Medina Casanova, Sebastián Miranda, Daniel Sebastián Morales López, Mario Mosquera, José Mosquera, Anita Moya, Francisco Moya, Edwin Naula, Belén Neumeister, Mónica Núñez, María Isabel Núñez Pérez, Gabriela Jazmín Ortiz Caicedo, Danny Ortiz, Fernando Paredes Benalcazar, Daniel Peñafiel, Brayan Pérez, Victoria Racines, Paola Reinoso, Jenifer Andrea Reinoso Caicedo, Isabel Ruiz, Leandro Esteban Olivo Urvina, Cristian Orlando Sailema, Daniela Salazar, Carlos Salazar Núñez, María Augusta Sánchez García, Ángela Estefany Sánchez Lascano, Daniel Steven Sánchez Morales, Mishell Santana, Johanna Sevilla, Andrés Silva, Bryan Vicente Solís, Mario Vinicio Toapanta, Daniela Vaca, Gabo Vallejo, Cristian Vallejo, Karen Vasconez, Verónica Fernanda Veloz Pacheco, Valeria Yépez, Diana Gabriela Zúñiga Vasconez.

Special thanks to the teachers who accompanied the students and worked
with them:

Jessica Aldás, Pablo Cardoso, Daniel Díez, Mónica Espinoza, Gladys García, Jymmy Guevara, Oswaldo Jara, Humberto Morales, Shorlli Salazar, Santiago Suárez, Pilar Urvina, Isabel Villacís and Galo Viteri.